Greetings, everyone.
I arrived back at the border in Lukeville, Arizona, a few days ago. Immediately, it was evident that it’s worse than ever here.
By the second day, around 3500 had crossed illegally. Most of those crossing are from African nations where Islam is the majority religion, such as Senegal.
A guy who is a smuggling trail tracker met up with me out here after seeing me on Bannon’s show, and he has a wealth of data, which is great. Some of the Africans above attempted to stop his van and he asked for help. I went over with my Glock on my chest and they said “we love America!” as I walked in front of them filming. How quickly the tune changes when faced with armed, no-bs Americans. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER.
The border wall was cut open massively, with entire bollard sections having been torn out. Human smuggling organizations get thousands through these cuts in the wall every few days.
The guy who is out here with me-we’ll call him Tyler, as he wants to remain anonymous, spotted the two sections of border wall cut as he drove in the area. Tyler also found another section of the wall where only the bottom was cut. That’s done, so Border Patrol can’t spot it. We filmed a group of illegals crossing through after we went up the road about a 1/2 mile. I’ll have separate stories and videos for all this stuff.
We actually held up a group of hundreds trying to cross because we were standing where the wall was cut the the human smuggling group wouldn’t let anyone go through while we were there.
The illegal alien waves don’t stop. It’s going on night and day. Border Patrol agents are glad I’m back and several thanked me for being here to document what’s going on because no one covers this area.
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There’s one area I can put my drone up near the Lukeville port of entry. I will try to do some live streams with the drone from there soon.
I have my Jeep setup to film from the roof. I built a roof platform just for this.

I use a power inverter hooked to my Jeep battery to recharge all the camera batteries and other gear while I’m filming.
Of course, two days after I arrived, my Jeep started leaking coolant badly. I drove 35 miles to the nearest town, but the only auto shop there took 4 days off for Thanksgiving so I had to get a cheap motel room to wait for repairs. I’m hoping it’s something simple like a water pump. If it’s a head gasket, the trip may be over.
In the meanwhile, I’m using the time in the motel to edit videos and recharge everything.
I’m going to get some video montages ready, and I’ll hopefully have several other Substack articles up today with those and many photos from the last few days.
Thank you to all supporting the mission. Jeep repairs are in the thousands as it’s older, but that’s the price of doing this work. Contribute to the mission on GiveSendGo or On CashApp. We’re going to try some novel stuff in the coming weeks which has never been done before. No loose lips here, not sinking the ship, so, stay tuned.
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We met you day after Thanksgiving after driving through 200+ illegals walking the road from Quitobaquito Springs about 13 miles west of Lukeville. We had driven the loop from the Organ Pipe Cactus Monument to the Springs and were stunned at the number of people and the garbage. WTF.
Have they had their shots yet?
Ohhhhh riiiight. Never mind..