Greetings, everyone.
I was planning another border trip for when Title 42 ends, but I got some bad news from the doctors after a trip to the ER and a CT scan. I had had stomach pains for about a month, so I got checked out. The scan revealed something growing in the abdomen that was rubbing on organs and causing pain, as well as major lymph node growth, which the doctors said was indicative of cancer.
Stuff is in the works for a biopsy and treatment. Hopefully, we can nip this in the bud. I’m ready for the fight, and I feel great other than the abdomen stuff.
All the other tests came back great—heart, lungs, blood work, etc.
I’ll chronicle some of the battle here while I work on releasing more border videos I shot on the last trip. I also have great videos and photos from CPAC. The pain set me back a bit, but I started a turmeric/ginger supplement, which is causing the swelling and pain to be limited. I just take anti-nausea pills when I’m feeling ill.
One exclusive video interview I did was with a family who were terrorized, along with an entire neighborhood in El Paso. Cartel coyotes are smuggling drug and sex traffickers in early in the mornings and they are threatening people, killing their dogs to keep them silent, etc.
I’ll be working on that video and others plus the CPAC stuff.
For those who don’t know, I escaped a gang that worked with the Mexican drug cartels when I was 19 and also a hard-core drug addiction. I also escaped years of homelessness, mostly as a teen, due to addiction.
After that, I went back to school, earned national honors, and honors scholarships, ran for Congress, and got paid to run for governor of California. No way I’m letting cancer take me out after all of that.
I believe God allowed all of these things to happen in order that I would become stronger, and I believe He’s allowing this for the same reason.
I’ve never promoted my story of overcoming the streets, drug addiction, and the gang. I didn’t want to be in the limelight.
For about four years, I believed the gang was going to kill me. My dad prepared himself for my death as well. I didn’t want the attention. With the latest diagnosis from the doctors, I believe I’ll put the story out there for others to learn from.

On top of more border videos and another trip to the border after Title 42 ends (and I get some treatment), I’ll be sharing my testimonies about how God called me several years after I had escaped the gang and the miracles He did in my life as I strove to become “normal” again. It was quite the journey, part of which continues today!
At any rate, I hope to be back in the field soon. Watch for updates, and feel free to share this with friends and family! Ready for the fight!
Praying for you Jeff.
I'm really sorry to hear about the cancer, but sounds like you found out at t he earliest stages, and as important as it is what you do on the border and elsewhere your health is most important. Prayers and Gods Blessings in dealing with this challenge.
More great info on the border thank you. Sadly I had to pull this report from my spam folder on Yahoo. I check daily to see what they're trying to block me from seeing. Funny it's always on important issues coming from the conservative side of things and concerning American sovereignty.