Greetings, everyone. Hopefully, this finds you well.
So much has happened in such a short amount of time.
I filmed a bunch of Syrians who were brought in by ship by the cartels when they arrived here a few days ago. Then, right up the border road here, there was a shootout between cartel members who were cutting the border wall and Mexican police. Three cartel members were killed. Then the cartel guys cut the wall again! I raced out to see what was happening and arrived as BP was welding it shut, and I filmed hundreds along the road who rushed in after the wall was cut. That video is below.

The Syrian story will be in another Substack post I’ll put up today.
So, I had heard that cartel members were cutting the border fence almost on a daily basis in order to get the thousands of people they took money from to get them into the US illegally. I stumbled upon one instance accidentally as I chased BP trucks who raced off towards the wall on Wednesday.
Long story short, I lost the BP trucks but found the wall breach on my way back. I was around 8 miles out from my normal spot, where BP takes in all the illegal aliens at the border wall closest to Lukeville, AZ.
When I walked over to the wall, there was a BP agent welding it back together and a heavily armed BP agent protecting him.

I was told that hundreds of illegal aliens had rushed through the gap and were heading up the border road. After filming the wall repair, I rushed back up the road and encountered several large groups of illegal aliens from Africa, India, and South and Central America. Some seemed desperate, as they had to stay in Mexico after the shooting near here. Many came up to me thinking I was BP. It was crazy to have crowds of people all of a sudden stand up and start walking towards you.
Here’s the video of the chase, the wall breach, and the illegal aliens who rushed in.
This reporting takes inordinate amounts of time and money. I’m camped out at the wall because there is nothing near this area for about 35 miles. It’s 100 miles to the nearest chain grocery store. Consider donating to offset the costs, and thank you to those who have so generously done so so far. The story and photos continue below.
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Border Patrol agents tell me that it is an ongoing war with the cartels cutting the wall as fast as they can repair it. Cartel members have figured out ways to cut the fence with tools you can get at a hardware store. (I’m going to go try to film the cartels in the act with infrared cameras)
Because the Biden administration hasn’t given BP anything to counter the destruction of the walls, BP agents get creative and find ways to do it themselves. The BP agents who fix the walls are now scavenging old railroad track parts and welding those to the wall where they have been cut. The railroad track metal is much more difficult to cut through according to them.
That was an insane night, and that was just the night. It was just as busy during the day, and BP agents are clearly exhausted and, many times, exasperated due to the workload, and they aren’t taken seriously by those who cross illegally or by the current administration. I will go into this a bit more in the future because it is extremely serious, and we want those who protect our borders to know that the American people (and one day the fed government) has their backs. So many of them have asked that the public be shown what is going on here and that’s what I’m attempting to do.
Here are more photos of activity from that day and night alone. It repeats… every day and night.
RELATED: VIDEO: Border Apocalypse, Lukeville, Arizona

A Hispanic man approached me when I came upon the last group who crossed through the cut wall. He showed me bloody pics of his leg and said he needed help.
There was nothing I could do except tell BP when I got back to the staging area. It’s insane. There’s no way I was in any position to help anyone medically or really any other way. This is what happens out there and a million other things.
Many, many more videos are coming, and the Syrian story with videos is next. Thank you for the support! Contribute if you can. It makes my life easier.
Thank you so much for this report, Jeff, keep them coming, we need to hear from boots on the ground what is happening at the border. It sounds insane. Many prayers for you and for your safety, sir!