I spent about 3 weeks touring all of the border states by Jeep and just returned home to California.
Steve Bannon had me on his show numerous times after he saw my videos of thousands of illegal aliens crossing into Yuma, Arizona. The magnitude shocked him.
I worked with Steve Bannon on the We Build the Wall border wall project which constructed a wall on private property and paid for it with funds raised by triple-amputee war hero veteran Brian Kolfage.
Nazi scum socialists in the federal government shut down We Build the Wall because we were so successful at stopping the cartels which are actually paying Democrats to keep the border open.
The Democrat-led witchhunt legal case against Kolfage will be decided this year. WBTW is slated to come back without Kolfage and Bannon and continue the mission.
I’ve been covering and working with Kolfage for over a decade and the scum socialists have been after him ever since he stepped foot into the political arena. The attack on him and WBTW is the worst yet.
Typically, I take contracts to film around the world and the country, covering terror hotspots and riots and stuff on the border. Bannon sent me around the world on a crazy counter-terror tour to film for a documentary. That was right when covid hit. I was in China filming.

Bannon also sent me to film undercover in the Portland riots.

Contracts to film have become scarce since Democrats locked the country (and the world down), so I decided to hit the border on my own.
I’ve talked to hundreds of law enforcement, border patrol, military, and other government employees over the last several years and they all tell me the same thing. The cartels must be bribing U.S. officials to get drugs and people across the border.
In 2019, an undercover LEO in a major police force on the border told me that cartels had bought up over HALF of the businesses in that city. That was 3 years ago. Biden has handed the border over to the cartels, and it’s highly likely that he, his family, and other Democrats are working with the terrorist cartels, enriching themselves on their billions as young Americans die from fentanyl overdoses.
The photo below is from video I shot of cartel coyotes bringing illegals across the Rio Grande River near Roma, Texas. I was contracted by America’s Voice News and was working with Ben Bergquam on that trip.
Biden and his handlers are traitors. They’ve handed the border over to international terrorist organizations.
Here’s some footage I shot while I was in Yuma. Many of those who are being allowed in by Biden and the Democrats will work for the cartels in the U.S. and become their enforcers.
Here’s a montage of videos I shot in Yuma of the railcars AZ Governor Ducey had placed in the gaps between border walls.
Border Patrol agents in Yuma told me they are overwhelmed as the cartels ferry people across the border endlessly.
Been doing this since swearing in date & in Nov
Time to send the military in and wipe these bastards out