My Night Vision Video: 100s Of African Illegals On Border
This was near Lukeville, Arizona, and the port of entry.
This is an infrared night vision video from my time on the border near Lukeville, Arizona, that I never released. Day before the port closed. Absolutely apocalyptic. Mostly male illegal aliens from the African countries of Senegal and Guinea, which are majority Islamic. Trash everywhere; the stench is unreal. If you want to know what it was like, I spent 7 weeks camped out filming day & night. I have never seen anything like it in my life.
WATCH: (The video is also on my X account here.)
I was planning on heading back to the border, but I’m holding off a bit.
I had a leukemia flare-up a little over a week ago. Basically, it was like the muscle aches you get when you have the flu. I could barely move or get out of bed. With about 1800 mg of ibuprofen and lots of caffeine, I was able to power through my days.
I’m 100% better now, but I’m going to stay home while I get my labs done and have an appointment with my oncologist.
This is all new to me, as I was diagnosed last year before I left for Lukeville to film for 7 weeks. I’m learning how the disease affects the body. You can read the original diagnosis here.
I have a new border video posted from Lukeville. A Border Patrol agent threatened to arrest me for trespassing while I was filming 800 to 1000 illegal aliens at the port of entry. He was a complete a**.
Click on the picture below or here to watch the video on X. (I could use help sharing it)
The full story about the arrest threat and other videos are on my regular website.
Posts from X and Rumble don’t work on Substack, so sometimes I use that website.
I could use some help on X if you have accounts there. I am almost qualified for ads on my account, which will help offset the costs of the border tours.
It takes 5 million impressions in 3 months to qualify for ads. I only need 400K more impressions by the end of February. It’s a lot of work, and some friends have helped a ton.
Help push me over the top by following my account on X and sharing my border videos or embedding them in articles, etc.
The best place to look is my highlights section for the best videos, or the media section for all videos and photos.
Thanks for the help and support, everyone! I’ll be posting many more border updates and videos here soon!
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Adjust the amounts according to what you want.
Thanks for your work. Hope you continue to feel better! Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter. I was later to the game realizing the level of coordination and logistical support required to funnel all of these throngs of illlegal immigrants into our country. I knew they were pouring through; I just didn't know this was paid for and facilitated by so many NGOs and our own taxpayer dollars. It seems to be a massive, intentional plan ... and one that's not designed to make the country a better place to live.