Syrians And Africans Overwhelmed Border Patrol Here Last Night
It was the most I've seen cross in one day
Mexican cartel members cut the border wall in several places here in Lukeville, Arizona, last night. They’ve been cutting the wall almost daily to get people through illegally.
Around midnight on Saturday, the final waves for the day came through (I counted 9 as I tried to sleep). Sunday rolled in and there were still many illegal aliens waiting at the PoE where I camp for transportation.
The Border Patrol tent structure where illegal aliens are semi-processed after being placed in custody quickly began filling up on Sunday, and agents told me hundreds were coming down the border road and that it was going to be busy.
I’m exhausted from filming all day yesterday and doing an almost 7-hour livestream, but I wanted to get out some photos before the videos, which I’ll be putting together into montages. (You should watch the livestream, it is insane—almost major fights, agents cracking down, a madhouse). Contribute to my CashApp to offset costs.
Border agents had to move massive numbers of illegal aliens, many from Syria and Africa, but from India and other countries as well. It was surreal. Like out of an apocalyptic movie. These are screenshots from my 4K Prosumer camcorder. I got on top of my Jeep to film.
And that was just the beginning. I overheard agents saying 600 or more were coming and hundreds from another direction. It got worse at the wall near the Lukeville Port of Entry, right by where I camp.
I setup my cameras on tripods to catch everything that was going on from multiple angles, and then headed into the crowds to get shots with one of my DSLRs and later my phone.
I talked to people who told me they were from Syria. Many from the Middle East were in the crowds.
Massive fights almost broke out between Africans and illegals from India. Border agents threatened to put anyone fighting back in Mexico.
The Jeep repair was messed up. Have to go back into town for that. Filming 14-15 hours a day sometimes. Crazy out here. BP had to shoot at cartel guys. Getting great tips on where wall is being cut. Lots to do. Watch the livestream. Contribute if you can. CashApp - PayPal - Venmo - Stripe. Thanks to all who have contributed to the mission so far! Videos of this event coming asap!
Wow, merry frigging Christmas present from the globalists.
Stay safe brother, will keep praying for you and the Border Patrol.
God Bless. We have to all start calling everyday to get our states to start putting terrorism level threat cons out and call for invasion of our country